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analoog (filmrol & dokaprints) & digitaal (gsm) - vrij werk

Meer fotografie & informatie expositie op


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  • Analoog
  • Digitaal
  • Expo
  • Easy Sunday Morning

    Easy Sunday Morning

    Photo printed on Agave art (natural) paper for exhibition at GAR4GE Kloosterstraat 173 Antwerp on 10 & 11 Dec. and 17 & 18 Dec. 2022.
    • Expo
  • Which way to go ...

    Which way to go ...

    Photo printed on Agave art (natural) paper for exhibition at GAR4GE Kloosterstraat 173 Antwerp on 10 & 11 Dec. and 17 & 18 Dec. 2022.
    • Expo
  • Parents in Spring

    Parents in Spring

    Photo printed on Agave art (natural) paper for exhibition at GAR4GE Kloosterstraat 173 Antwerp on 10 & 11 Dec. and 17 & 18 Dec. 2022.
    • Expo
  • Expo Thin Air

    Expo Thin Air

    Expo with Marie Verdurmen (paintings & drawings) and photos (Marie-Thérèse Willemsen) in gallery Conscience20 Antwerp-Belgium 20-27 Okt. 2019
    • Expo
  • Expo Thin Air

    Expo Thin Air

    Expo with Marie Verdurmen (paintings & drawings) and photos (Marie-Thérèse Willemsen) in gallery Conscience20 Antwerp-Belgium 20-27 Okt. 2019
    • Expo
  • Expo Thin Air

    Expo Thin Air

    Expo with Marie Verdurmen (paintings & drawings) and photos (Marie-Thérèse Willemsen) in gallery Conscience20 Antwerp-Belgium 20-27 Okt. 2019. This photo was part of the exhibition and printed on 3 bathroom tiles (ceramic).
    • Expo
  • Expo Thin Air

    Expo Thin Air

    Expo with Marie Verdurmen (paintings & drawings) and photos (Marie-Thérèse Willemsen) in gallery Conscience20 Antwerp-Belgium 20-27 Okt. 2019
    • Expo
  • Expo Thin Air

    Expo Thin Air

    Expo with Marie Verdurmen (paintings & drawings) and photos (Marie-Thérèse Willemsen) in gallery Conscience20 Antwerp-Belgium 20-27 Okt. 2019
    • Expo
  • Expo Thin Air

    Expo Thin Air

    Expo with Marie Verdurmen (paintings & drawings) and photos (Marie-Thérèse Willemsen) in gallery Conscience20 Antwerp-Belgium 20-27 Okt. 2019
    • Expo
    • Analoog
    • Analoog
    • Analoog
    • Analoog
    • Analoog
    • Analoog
    • Analoog
    • Analoog
    • Analoog
    • Analoog
    • Analoog
    • Analoog
  • Travel in mind

    Travel in mind

    • Digitaal
  • Which way to go

    Which way to go

    • Digitaal
  • Sunday morning

    Sunday morning

    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal
    • Digitaal



gist logo photo graphic magazin

geGiste gekte gestart in 2013

Koffie voor de nacht (vrij vertaald in Coffee of the (K)night ... )


meer info op

In uitgave #1 (2013) bijdragen van Philippe Heesterbeek, Phil Bloom & Marie-Thérèse Willemsen
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